Statement of the Problem
Previous studies have shown that normal pregnancy is associated with profound changes in haematological profile which appears to be pathological in the non-pregnant state (Chandra, 2012), coagulation profile, which may lead to excessive maternal bleeding during delivery (Ibeh et al., 2015) and immunological parameters, which may cause complications in pregnancy (Chatterjee et al., 2014). Studies conducted by Akinbami et al., (2013), showed that in normal pregnancy, some haematological parameters such as PCV, Hb, RBC and platelets counts were decreased, partly as a result of haemodilution, while some like WBC counts were increased due to leukocytosis associated with pregnancy, and the body building immunity for the foetus. Ibeh et al., (2015), stated that the PT and APTT were shortened in pregnancy to prevent excessive maternal bleeding during delivery. According to Ufelle et al., (2017), the CD4+ counts were decreased in pregnancy, may be due to the fact that pregnancy is an immunocompromised state which alters T-lymphocyte subsets and the presence of hormones which locally suppress immune response. Felicano et al., (2014), showed that Th2 cytokines are increased in pregnancy, and that the balance aids in the explanation about the environment of cytokines underlying a successful pregnancy. In recent past, maternal mortality has been remarkably attributed to pregnancy - related conditions. Most complications in pregnancy are associated with certain immunological and haematological dysfunctions. The consistency of this distribution has scarcely been studied in our environment for various gestational periods of pregnancy. A timely approval of parameters, will to a great extent curtail the untoward consequences arising from the parameters. 5 Therefore, the need to investigate these parameters in pregnancy is most expedient in order to monitor and follow-up pregnancies at risk, to prevent adverse outcomes.
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